
As a member you are a part of a community of individuals and organizations dedicated to making a healthy Washington. WSPHA offers both individual and organizational membership levels.


The Washington State Public Health Association (WSPHA) works to advance public health to the benefit of all. Our membership from all corners of the state makes us a key partner and vital voice at the local, state and federal level. We are an organization driven by data and science, and we strive to walk the talk on what it means to be diverse, equitable, and inclusive.

You make us stronger, and we work hard to make sure to bring you the most value for your investment. We can help you:

      • trailblaze and network with key thought leaders
      • find a mentor and advance your career
      • acquire cutting-edge skills and the latest science
      • advocate for key policy issues
      • access discounts to premiere events like our annual conference
      • gain platforms to share your talent and showcase projects
      • leverage efforts at the national level through APHA

WSPHA membership provides you with connections to colleagues throughout our state that are powering the evolution of the public health system. You gain access to this network, public policy expertise, and opportunities to meet and collaborate.

Join us and become part of a growing number of change-makers in Washington.

Benefits of individual membership

  • Join a diverse community of peers working to improve health and safety in all communities across Washington.
  • Exchange innovative ideas and build partnerships in the field of public health.
  • Gain access to affordable and timely professional development opportunities.
  • Participate with WSPHA to establish a common position on critical policy issues.
  • Amplify your voice in advocating for critical public health issues. 
  • Attend the annual Public Health Legislative Education Day in Olympia.
  • Receive a 20% discount on registration for the Annual Conference.
  • Exercise your voting rights at the Annual Business Meeting. This includes the right to vote on the slate of candidates and adoption of policy resolutions.
  • Opportunity to participate in WSPHA’s committee work.
  • Access infographics created by WSPHA and the Public Health Roundtable.
  • Share your public health success stories through WSPHA’s social media avenues.
  • Learn about upcoming public health events across the state.
  • Career networking opportunities with Washington’s public health community.
Membership categories 1-year 2-year
Regular $100 $140
Student $25 $40
Retiree $50 $70
Income-based (earn less than $50k/yr) $30 $50
Discounted rates for employees of organizational members 1-year 2-year
Regular $80 $110
Student $18 $30
Income-based (earn less than $50k/yr) $20 $34
 Join or Renew Now


Benefits of organizational membership

  • Opportunity to work collaboratively with WSPHA and a community of peers to exchange ideas and build partnership for public health.
  • Increase your organization’s recognition within Washington’s public health community.
  • Employees receive a 30% discount on individual memberships.
  • One free individual annual membership for your Director or a staff member of choice.
  • Your organization featured on WSPHA’s website.
  • Opportunity to participate in WSPHA’s committees.
  • Participate with WSPHA to establish a common position on critical policy issues.
  • Access to infographics created by WSPHA and the Public Health Roundtable.
  • Promote your organization’s events on WSPHA’s website.
  • Post health related jobs on WSPHA’s website.
  • Opportunity to post public health news on WSPHA’s website.
  • Share your organization’s success stories through WSPHA’s social media avenues.
  • Networking with Washington’s many public health organizations.
  • Opportunity to sponsor the Annual Conference on Health, Legislative Education Day and other events. 
Annual Agency Budget WSPHA Membership Fees
$10 million or over $1,000
$5-9.9 million $500
$2.5-4.99 $350
$1-2.99 million $250
Under $1 million $100
 Join or Renew Now


Thank you to our organizational members!

















  • WSPHA will solicit only organizations and individuals whose values are consistent with the Association's mission.
  • WSPHA’s name, logo and other intangible intellectual assets must be protected at all times.
  • WSPHA’s position on public health issues and priorities are consistent with the Association’s Mission.
  • It is WSPHA's policy to not provide product endorsements.